Lodging check in time is after 4:00 PM Check out time: 11:00 AM
Campground check in time is 4:00 PM Check out time: 2:00 PM
The latest that guests may check in is 10:45 PM.
Late Check-Out Policy: If available, the front desk may be able to arrange a late checkout. Additional fees may apply. Please plan a prompt departure to ensure availability for incoming guests.
We do not allow early check-ins on Sundays. This is our time to water, mow, and do other tasks to prepare the sites for arrival. If you arrive early and your site is not ready, you will park in our main parking lot.
Swimming is not included in any of our rates.
Overnight guests receive a discount on regular summer pool admission rates.
Campground RV site rates only include the vehicle pulling the RV or motorhome.
All tents and extra vehicles have an additional charge and must be registered.
We do not charge per person for campground use but by the vehicle and tents.
All-day vehicles parking inside the RV Park will be charged a parking fee.
We provide day-use-only parking for free for day guests across from the pool.
No unregistered overnight parking is allowed in day-use parking lots.
Sleeping in a vehicle or on the ground is considered a tent rental.
We require full payment for your reservation when you make your reservation.
We have a 10-day cancellation policy. You must cancel 10 days before your arrival date for a refund.
If you change sites, you will be charged for the upgrade. Downgrades are not refundable.
If you cancel, you will be charged a cancellation fee. This covered our booking and credit card fees. $25 for each lodging, pavilion, and group area, $10 per individual site.
If your site is paid in full before arrival, registration is still required.
Registration of all vehicles and guests is required upon arrival.
All registered vehicles must park in their assigned parking site.
Reservations may be made up to 1 year in advance.
We no longer accept Passport America and 1/2 off RV clubs.
Please be honest and register your RV, Tents, and Vehicles so we can keep improving our campground.
No sewer available at our park. Sewer dump located in Downey.
Currently, the Wi-Fi hot spot is only available in our main building. There is no Wi-Fi in the campground. Wi-Fi will be available in the lodging by May 2025, but a $10 fee will be charged.
Our Memory Park is off-limits for children. Children who go to the Memory Park must be with an adult at all times and be well supervised. Memory Park hours are from 9 am to 10 pm only. No camping, sleeping, or rough play in this park. It is dedicated to some special people and is a place for meditation and relaxation.
Drones or other remote-controlled machines on the property may not be used at any time.
Campground - no water in our campground after the middle of October till the first of May.
Check our available hours and facilities before making a reservation.
Due to vandalism and theft in our park, we now have a curfew at 11 p.m. Everyone must be in their campsites, and nobody is to be wandering around the campground. If youth must use the restroom, an adult must be with them.
Please watch coolers left outside your door or keep them locked inside.
The resort is not responsible for personal injuries or damage, loss, or theft of any personal property or vehicle.
Quiet Time: Everyone in their campsites. No music, loud laughter, or loud talking after quiet time. Volleyball lights will turn off at 10:00 PM.
We expect our guests to respect their neighbors and be good campers. This makes everyone a happy camper. NO REFUNDS are given to campers who are asked to leave.
Guests and Tenants are responsible for any damage or injury caused by themselves, their children and/or pets.
We reserve the right to evict any person(s) who does not comply with the rules and policies. No refunds will be issued.